Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dr. Maurice Dawson speaks about "Utilization of Open Source Software (OSS)" at the CTU July 2012 Symposium - Part 1 of 4

Dr. Maurice Dawson speaks about "Utilization of Open Source Software (OSS)" at the CTU July 2012 Symposium - Part 1 of 4 from Richard Courchesne on Vimeo.

Dr. Maurice Dawson, Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems at Alabama A&M University, speaks to a crowd of Computer Science doctoral students about "Utilization of Open Source Software (OSS)" during the Colorado Technical University July Symposium in Colorado Springs. On July 22nd 2012, Dawson shares locations of open source applications for virtualization, cloud computing, hypervisors, and penetration testing tools with the audience.
Dr. Dawson's "Innovation in CS/IT via Open Source Software" slideshow can be seen at

Friday, August 24, 2012

Intellectbase Las Vegas 2012 : Intellectbase Multi-Disciplinary Academic Conference

Intellectbase Las Vegas 2012 : Intellectbase Multi-Disciplinary Academic Conference

Intellectbase Las Vegas 2012 : Intellectbase Multi-Disciplinary Academic Conference

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WhenDec 13, 2012 - Dec 15, 2012
WhereLas Vegas, NV - USA
Submission DeadlineNov 23, 2012
Notification DueDec 7, 2012
Final Version DueNov 23, 2012
Categories    information technology   science   business   education

Call For Papers

Dear Professor,

Intellectbase International Consortium Multi-Disciplinary Academic Conference

Las Vegas, NV – USA December 13-15, 2012
Submission Deadline: November 23, 2012

(For extensions, please email or text/phone +1 (615) 944-3931). Submissions received after the deadlines will be published in the CD-ROM and NOT in the Hard Copy of the Peer Reviewed Conference Proceeding, if accepted.

Abstracts, Research-in-Progress, Full Papers, Workshops, Case Studies and Posters are invited!!

Researchers are invited to exchange ideas, share experiences on research challenges, research findings and state-of-the-art solutions (discuss with your peers, obtain feedback and have your ideas possibly published in refereed academic journals as well as indexed for citation). All Conceptual and Empirical Papers are very welcome.

Topics include, but are not limited to the following academic disciplines: BUSINESS, EDUCATION, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, MUSIC, ARTS, POLITICAL, SOCIAL, etc.

Economics & Finance
Supply Chain Management
Operations Management
Management Information Systems
Knowledge Systems
Hospitality and Hospital Management
Organizational & Behavioral Science
Human Resource Systems & Practices
Transportation Systems & Logistics
E-business / E-Commerce

Education Practices & Experience
Communication & Linguistics
Sociology & Social Science
Education Psychology
Special Education
Tenure & Promotion
Pedagogy & Health
Charter Schools
Academic Affairs and Administration
Gender & Education
Physical Education & Kinesiology

Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
IEEE Innovations
Information Science
Systems Security
Industrial Systems
Engineering / Mathematics
Health Science
Computational Human Intelligence
Scientific Human Intelligence
Health (Care & Management)

Intelligence Systems & Practices
Political Science
Governmental Systems & Practices
Ethical Science
Environmental Issues
Art & Creativity
World History & Creative Arts
United Nations and the World
International Monetary Funds Systems
Developed, Developing & Emerging Countries

All submitted papers must be in English and saved as a Microsoft Word compatible file (e.g. .doc, .docx, .rtf). Please attach and email your submission to:

By submitting a paper, author(s) implicitly assign Intellectbase the copyright permission to publish their submission and agree that at least one author (if not more) will register for the conference and present their research.

The first page(s) of ALL submissions must include: Specific Conference to which the paper is being submitted (e.g. Las Vegas, 2012), Paper Heading, Title (e.g. Dr. Prof., Mr., Mrs., etc.), Name, Full Affiliation, Address, Phone, E-Mail for all authors, Paper Category (e.g. Abstract, Full Paper, RIP, etc.), Track to which paper is submitted (e.g. Business, Science, Education, etc.), a 200 - 500 word Abstract and a minimum of five (5) Keywords. For paper formatting and category guidelines, please click here.

Please see below for specific paper category guidelines.

Full Papers 7 - 15 5000 - 7000
Research-in-Progress 5 - 12 2500 - 5000
Extended Abstracts 1 - 4 500 - 1500
Workshops 2 - 5 1000 - 3000
Case Studies 3 - 10 1500 - 5000
Posters A3 Paper Size Research Title, Research Model or Framework

Text should be formatted for 8.5 x 11 inch paper, 11 point Arial Narrow font that is single-spaced, with one inch margins and left justified. References should generally follow Harvard or APA style guidelines.

The following is the suggested format for paper submissions:

• Paper Title
• ALL authors' Title (e.g. Dr, Mr, Mrs, etc.) & Name, Affiliation, Address, Phone, Email
• Specific Conference (e.g. Las Vegas, 2012)
• Abstract and Keywords
• Introduction / Background / Objective
• Literature Review
• Methodology, Findings, Analysis & Discussion, etc.
• Conclusion, Limitations and Recommendations
• References - Harvard or APA Style is Required, See the Intellectbase website for Reference Style Guidelines.
• Tables, figures, etc. in their appropriate location in the paper (if applicable)
• See the Intellectbase website for a paper formatting example

Selected papers have a higher chance of being published in one of the Intellectbase double-blind reviewed Journals. Additional information is available via the Intellectbase International Consortium website:

For more information concerning Intellectbase International Consortium conferences and Journal publications, please visit the Intellectbase website at For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Program Chair at

Attach and Email all papers to:

Las Vegas, NV - USA Timeline Fee
Early Registration Up to December 2, 2012 $375.00
Normal Registration December 3 – 15, 2012 $450.00
Student Registration Up to December 9, 2012 $195.00
Conference Attendance December 13-15, 2012
Additional Papers No More than 3 Articles per Conference $150.00 ea.
Second & Subsequent Author Attendance Up to December 9, 2012 $95.00 ea.

The December 13-15, 2012 Intellectbase conference is anticipated to be hosted at the Riviera Hotel and Casino Las Vegas. Discounted rate and reservation details will be posted to the Intellectbase website ( as soon as they are available.

Dr. David King, Tennessee State University, USA

Mrs. Karina Dyer Ms. Aqiyla Reed Mr. Micah Redding

Location Conference Dates Submission Deadline
Shanghai – China August 7-9, 2012 July 8, 2012
Atlanta, GA – USA October 18-20, 2012 September 23, 2012
Las Vegas, NV – USA December 13-15, 2012 November 23, 2012
Bangkok - Thailand March 14-16, 2013 February 22, 2013
San Antonio, TX – USA April 11-13, 2013 March 16, 2013
Nashville, TN – USA May 23-25, 2013 April 28, 2013

Intellectbase International Consortium promotes broader intellectual resources and publishes reviewed papers from all disciplines. To achieve this, Intellectbase hosts approximately 4-6 academic conferences (national and international) per year and publishes the following Double-Blind Reviewed Journals (

IJAISL, International Journal of Accounting Information Science and Leadership – ISSN: 1940-9524
IJSHIM, International Journal of Social Health Information Management - ISSN: 1942-9664
JAGR, Journal of Applied Global Research – ISSN: 1940-1833
JGIP, Journal of Global Intelligence and Policy - ISSN: 1942-8189
JIBMR, Journal of International Business Management & Research - ISSN: 1940-185X
JISTP, Journal of Information Systems Technology and Planning - ISSN: 1945-5240
JKHRM, Journal of Knowledge and Human Resource Management - ISSN: 1945-5275
RHESL, Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning - ISSN: 1940-9494
RMIC, Review of Management Innovation and Creativity - ISSN: 1934-6727

The US Library of Congress has assigned ISSN numbers for Intellectbase Journals (Print, Online and CD-ROM). Intellectbase Blind-Review Journals are listed in major recognized directories: e.g. CABELL’S, ULRICH’S Directory, JOURNALSEEK, ABDC, EBSCOhost Discovery and available through EBSCO Library Services. In addition, Intellectbase Journals are in the process to be listed in the following databases: ABI Inform, CINAHL, ACADEMIC JOURNALS DATABASE, ERIC etc.

Note: Intellectbase International Consortium prioritizes papers that are selected from Intellectbase conference proceedings for Journal publication. Papers that have been published in the conference proceedings, do not incur a fee for Journal publication. However, papers that are submitted directly to be considered for Journal publication will incur a US$195 fee to cover the cost of processing, formatting, compiling, printing and handling if accepted. Papers submitted direct to a Journal may be emailed to and indicate your journal preference.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.


Dr. David King, PhD, MCP, CNA, CCSI, EIC, SABA
Associate Professor of Information Systems – Tennessee State University
Intellectbase International Academic Consortium
1615 Seventh Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37208
Call Office: +1-615-944-3931 │Text Cell: +1-615-838-3693
Email:│Fax: +1-615-739-5124
Visit Web: │Google: Intellectbase