Thursday, May 26, 2011

Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conferences

Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conferences

Nashville, TN – USA  May 26-28, 2011
Submission Deadline: May 6, 2011  

Puerto Rico Island – USA  July 28-30, 2011
Submission Deadline: May 29, 2011  

Atlana, GA – USA  October 13-15, 2011
Submission Deadline: September 25, 2011
Full Papers, Research-in-Progress, Extended Abstracts, Workshops, Case Studies and Posters are invited!!
All Conceptual and Empirical Papers are very welcome.
Researchers are invited to exchange ideas, share experiences on research challenges, research findings and state-of-the-art solutions.
Attach and Email all papers to:
All submitted papers are peer reviewed by the Reviewers Task Panel (RTP) and accepted papers are published in a refereed conference proceeding. Outstanding articles that are recommended to the Executive Editorial Board (EEB) have a higher chance of being published in one of the double-blind reviewed Journals listed in Cabell's, ProQuest, Ulrich's Directory and JournalSeek. Additional information is available via the Intellectbase International Consortium website:
Intellectbase International Consortium provides an open discussion forum for Academics, Researchers, Engineers and Practitioners from the following multi-disciplinary research areas: BESTMAPS - Business, Education, Science, Technology, Management, Administration, Political, Social etc. We encourage a range of national and international research topics including, but not limited to the following:

Business & Education 

Science & Technology

Management, Admin, Political & Social 


Computer Information Systems

Academic Affairs and Administration 

Economics & Finance

E-business / E-Commerce

Intelligence Systems & Practices 



Human Resource Systems & Practices 

Supply Chain Management

Computer Science

Political Science

Operations Management

IEEE Innovations 

Governmental Systems & Practices

Sociology & Social Science

Information Science

Ethical Science

Art & Creativity

Systems Security

Environmental Issues

Communication & Linguistics

Industrial Systems

Hospitality and Hospital Management

Knowledge Systems

Engineering / Mathematics

Transportation Systems & Logistics

Management Information Systems

Health Science

World History & Creative Arts

Organizational & Behavioral Science

Health (Care & Management)

Developed, Developing & Emerging Countries 

Educational Management 

Scientific Human Intelligence

International Monetary Funds Systems

Behavioral Science

Computational Human Intelligence

United Nations and the World
All submitted papers must be in English and must include a cover page identifying the date, each author(s) name, title, preferred phone, e-mail, full affiliation, a 200 - 500 word Abstract and Keywords. Please attach and email your submission in Microsoft Word format to 
All submitted papers are peer reviewed by the Reviewers Task Panel (RTP) and accepted papers are published in a refereed conference proceeding. Selected papers have a higher chance of being published in one of the double-blind reviewed Journals listed in Cabell's, ProQuest, Ulrich's Directory and JournalSeek. Additional information is available via the Intellectbase International Consortium website:
By submitting a paper, authors implicitly assign Intellectbase the copyright license to publish and agree that at least one (if more authors) will register, attend and participate in the conference to present the paper.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgment within one week after your electronic submissions, please contact the Reviewers Task Panel immediately.
For more information concerning Intellectbase International Consortium conferences and Journal publications, please visit the Intellectbase website at For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Chair at
Attach and Email all papers to:


Nashville, TN - USA

Puerto Rico Island - USA 

Atlanta, GA - USA 


Early Registration

Before May 13, 2011

Before May 29, 2011

Before October 1, 2011


Normal Registration

May 14 - May 28, 2011

May 30 – July 30, 2011

October 2 – October 15, 2011


Student Registration

Up to May 13, 2011

Up to June 6, 2011

Up to October 8, 2011


Additional Papers

No More than 3 Articles per Conference

       $150.00 ea.

Second & Subsequent Author Attendance

         $75.00 ea.
Intellectbase International Consortium promotes broader intellectual resources and publishes reviewed papers from all disciplines. To achieve this, Intellectbase hosts approximately 4-6 academic conferences per year and publishes the following Double-Blind Reviewed Journals and more (
JAGR, Journal of Applied Global Research – ISSN: 1940-1833 IJAISL, International Journal of Accounting Information Science and Leadership – ISSN: 1940-9524 RHESL, Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning - ISSN: 1940-9494 IJSHIM, International Journal of Social Health Information Management - ISSN: 1942-9664 RMIC, Review of Management Innovation and Creativity - ISSN: 1934-6727 JGIP, Journal of Global Intelligence and Policy - ISSN: 1942-8189 JISTP, Journal of Information Systems Technology and Planning - ISSN: 1945-5240 JKHRM, Journal of Knowledge and Human Resource Management - ISSN: 1945-5275 JIBMR, Journal of International Business Management & Research - ISSN: 1940-185X
Intellectbase Double Blind-Review Journals are listed in major recognized directories: e.g. Cabell’s, Ulrich’s, ABDC, JournalSeek and other publishing directories and available through Ebsco Library Services .  
Intellectbase International Consortium publications are in the process to be listed in the following renowned Journal databases e.g. ABI/INFORM,  Thomson SCIENCE and SOCIAL SCIENCE Citation Indexes, etc. 
Note: Intellectbase International Consortium prioritizes papers that are selected from Intellectbase conference proceedings for Journal publication. Papers that have been published in the conference proceedings, do not incur a fee for Journal publication. However, papers that are submitted directly to be considered for Journal publication will incur a US$195 fee to cover the cost of processing, formatting, compiling, printing and handling if accepted.Papers submitted direct to a Journal may be emailed (e.g.,, etc.).

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