Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cool Web 2.0 Tools [Office Replacements]

I found a site which details a tons of Office replacements that are specifically for the teacher and student. It has a number of amazing tools that are free of charge. Below is an exert taken directly from the web page pertaining to the tools:

  • Google Docs & Spreadsheets - One of the more developed online office tools, Google only offers a word processor and spreadsheet, though there have long been rumors of a presentation tool (and recent acquisitions by the company would suggest that they are likely true).
  • Zoho Office Suite - Zoho is one of the most complete online office suites, offering more tools than you'll even find in Microsoft Office's student and teacher version.
  • gOFFICE - No frills gOFFICE has a very familiar look and feel.
  • ThinkFree - ThinkFree can replace Word, Excel, and Powerpoint with its suite of online apps, and they offer downloadable versions of their software as well.
  • EditGrid - EditGrid only does spreadsheets, but does them very well.

1 comment:

  1. Google Docs makes collaboration easy. It refreshes and displays changes to the document fast while other collaborators are reviewing the document.

    OpenOffice is a free, open-source productivity suite with a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, graphics and database support.
